Intex System is a colorimetry software house operating in all the sectors where is necessary measurement, control and formulation of the colors (ex. textile, paints, ceramics).

In addition to the colorimetry software, the company has developed management software for the dyeing houses and the finishing houses born thanks to the technicians’ ten-year experience.
This team creates simple systems in the use, but at the same time also powerful and flexible, that permit to manage the companies in all their aspects.

The peculiar characteristic that differentiate us from the other competitors is the possibility to develop internally software whose programs are personalized and adapted to the final customer’s exigence. Behind all this, there is a punctual and effective assistance service provided by competent technicians that have a big knowledge of the problems in different sectors and a long experience gathered in the field.

This involves a closeness and a collaboration with the final customer who is involved in the development of the programs creating in this way a team with the analysts and programmers of our company.

The software made are characterized by the incredible simplicity of use that permit to have an approach with the software also to non-expert users.

The long collaboration with a staff of physicists and mathematicians has developed specific colorimetry software for any industrial sectors, going to diversify the calculation engines and to adapt them to the problems in the different sectors.

The company is not linked to any spectrophotometer houses, laboratory or industrial doses etc.. but It is interfaced with the main brands and models on the market, leaving so to the final client a large liberty in the choice of the machinery which fit best to their specific needs.

Always from the perspective of being close to the customers’ exigences, Intex System provides to its clients a very wide range of laboratory services that can go from the color file characterization to the development of formula color charts or to the study and the text of color sampling.